What We Do



We grow seeds and cuttings to be planted in our natural areas.  We select species that are native to their locations. Local plants are important to host populations of indigenous insects for our native local birds.

Our GroCentre native plant nursery follows Nursery & Garden Industry Australia best practice guidelines to ensure healthy seedlings and prevent inadvertent spread of plant pathogens.

There is always something to do at the GroCentre but the busiest time of year is Kambarung to Bunuru (October to March), making sure the young plants are ready for the planting season.

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The planting season depends on the rains of Makuru and Djilba (winter + early spring), ideally June to August.

Some planting can happen later – planting rushes in the river is best done on low tides, early in the morning, before the water gets too salty in Birak and Bunuru (December to March), and to allow as much time as possible before the cold weather returns and the rushes go dormant.

To save labour and increase seedling survival rates we use Pottiputki tools and Hamilton Tree Planters to put a hole in the ground ready for the seedling or tree.



Sites are considered carefully so that young plants have a good chance of survival.  Protective works include:

  • Exotic grasses like couch and kikuyu can out-compete our native seedlings the first year.  Prior to planting out, a spot herbicide treatment by a trained and licensed applicator gives the seedling a head start.  Leaf litter and shade eventually make further applications unnecessary.

  • In areas where contract slashing is conducted, BPG will stake, hand-weed and mow around seedlings as necessary to reduce the likelihood of accidental damage.

  • BPG advocates for fencing to protect seedlings in high traffic areas.

Come volunteer with us!


Photography by Jessica Wyld