Have you seen any animals using our Nesting Boxes in Ashfield Flats?
Working with the wonderful people at The Re-Cyc-Ology Project and with support from the Town of Bassendean, we have installed ten nesting boxes along paths between the end of Iveson Place and the Hardy Rd carpark/drain.
There are different size boxes which can be used by owls, ducks, parrots, possums, and other kinds of animals.
Many animals would naturally nest in tree hollows, in old-growth trees. With the loss of suitable trees, many animals struggle to find suitable nesting spots. Installing nesting boxes is one way we can help them out (while other trees are growing).
If you see any signs of them being used, or animals checking them out, we would love you to tell us, as part of our ongoing monitoring program. Please describe where the box is located and what you have seen, and if you have any photos, we would LOVE to see them!
Email us or let us know via the Ashfield Flats Nesting Boxes Facebook page.